Career & College Promise
Cooperative Innovative High School Programs (Early College)
What is Career & College Promise?
Career & College Promise offers qualified high school students opportunities for dual enrollment in community college classes. Dual enrollment pathways can lead to a certificate, diploma, degree, or state or industry-recognized credential as well as provide entry-level jobs skills. Rowan-Cabarrus Community College provides dual enrollment opportunities to eligible juniors and seniors in high school.
Information for Parents and Guardians


Payment & Finances
What does a student pay for?
Students pay for their textbooks. Also, students who opt to take nine or more credits will be responsible for a student activity fee and any associated lab fees.
How does a student pay for textbooks and any student fees?
Students can review their financial balance in WebAdvisor. Students can purchase or rent textbooks from the College’s online bookstore. And there are multiple payment options to pay for student fees.

Student Resources
Why should my student participate in the Career and College Promise program at Rowan-Cabarrus?
The CCP program offers interested students the opportunity to complete their high school credentials and also take classes for college credit.
The program helps reduce the cost of a college degree, career certification or diploma.
CCP allows students the opportunity to demonstrate the ability to do well in college-level coursework.
Who is eligible to participate in Career and College Promise?
Junior and Seniors at any North Carolina high school or homeschool are eligible to participate.
How does my student apply for Career and College Promise?
What is the difference between CCP classes and AP or IB classes?
CCP classes are college-level classes taught by college faculty. As long as a student maintains a “C” or better in these classes, they will receive college credit.
AP and IB classes are taught by the high school staff at the high school. Students must pass exams for these classes to earn college credit. All three types of classes give students high school credit.
What are the expectations of college classes?
Students must be able to work and learn independently to successfully complete course work at the college level. Instructors facilitate learning, but expect students to ask questions, clarify information, and ask for help in a timely manner. Students must read, follow all directions, and plan in advance to complete long-term projects and papers.
College classes typically have rigor, and intensity, and are often a faster pace. They may have fewer assignments that carry more weight for the final class grade. Student may have fewer make-up opportunities for late work or extra credit. Course content may include complex, sensitive, and controversial subject material requiring a high level of maturity.
Travel may be required to attend certain classes, which may be early morning or late at night in some cases. Students will be attending classes with traditional students if courses are taken on the College’s traditional schedule. Transportation is the responsibility of the student.
Is there an age limit for taking CCP classes?
There is no age limit for CCP classes, except for the Nurse Aide Career and Technical Education pathway. Students must be a senior and the minimum age requirement to begin nurse aide coursework is 16½ years old.
How many classes may a student take each semester?
There is no minimum or maximum number of classes a student can take. Students are encouraged to meet with their high school counselor or CCP advisor to determine the course load that is most appropriate.
Can students pursue a College Transfer pathway and Career and Technical Education pathways at the same time?
Students are allowed to pursue up to two CCP pathways, but only one can be a College Transfer pathway.
My student is not yet eligible for CCP. What should we do to be prepared?
Your student should take their school coursework seriously. The grades they make can have a direct impact on whether they will be able to participate in the CCP program later.
Do all students need test scores?
Students do not need test scores to be admitted; a high school GPA can be used.
Will credits transfer if students don’t complete the entire College Transfer Pathway?
Yes. All classes transfer under the College Transfer Pathways according to the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement.
Where are the CCP classes offered and at what times?
CCP classes are offered at our 5 campuses, as well as online. Classes meet at various times. For more information, please visit the Course Catalog.
What happens if there is a conflict between my student’s high school and college schedules?
Students are responsible for attending their college classes even when their high school is on break. Students are encouraged to check their Rowan-Cabarrus email and pay attention to whether classes are canceled or in session.
My student would like to take classes over the summer. Is that possible?
Yes, however, the Summer term is not a typical 16-week term, so the courses are condensed and more rigorous. Summer courses will begin before traditional high school ends its school year.
Is it possible for my student to place into a higher-level math or substitute math course seen in other pathways?
Students may be placed directly into MAT 271 if they have met at least one of the following criteria within the past five years:
- an unweighted high school GPA of at least 3.5 and at least a C grade in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Pre-Calculus course or an equivalent course from another state
- earned a score/grade of:
- 2 or higher on the AP Calculus AB Exam
- C or higher in an AP Calculus course and an unweighted high school GPA of 3.0 or higher
- 46 or higher on the trigonometry section of the ACT Compass Math Placement Test
- 600 or higher on the SAT Math and a grade of C or higher in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Pre-Calculus course or an equivalent course from another state
- 24 or higher on the ACT Math and a grade of C or higher in the North Carolina Standard Course of Study Pre-Calculus course or an equivalent course from another state
- 560 or higher on the SAT Subject Test in Mathematics Level 2
What if a student needs accommodations?
Students: Accommodation plans such as an IEP or 504 Plan do not automatically transfer to college. If you would like to request accommodations at Rowan-Cabarrus, contact The Office of Accessibility at
Parents/Guardians: You can assist your student with requesting accommodations. However, once they are enrolled at Rowan-Cabarrus, parents/guardians will not have access to students’ educational records due to protection under FERPA.
Students: You may choose to grant access to your educational records to your parents/guardians. To do so, please complete this FERPA Consent To Release Student Information and email it to the Rowan-Cabarrus Records department at
What college classes can a high school count for graduation credit?
The North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI) determines which dual enrollment classes count toward graduation requirements. Visit the NCDPI website for more details.
Which North Carolina Public Universities are part of the articulation agreement with Rowan-Cabarrus?
All universities in the UNC System are part of the agreement.
How does credit transfer to out-of-state or private colleges and universities?
For schools outside of the articulation agreements, you should reach out to the Admissions office of that school to learn how Rowan-Cabarrus credits will transfer.
How long can a student take classes through dual enrollment?
Students may participate in dual enrollment in their junior and senior years of high school. Depending on what semester the student starts, they may not receive a full college year (fall, spring, summer semester).
What resources are available to a student who is struggling?
If students need additional support, Rowan-Cabarrus offers free tutoring available in-person and online. For more information, please visit the page for the Tutoring Center. Students can also visit the Student Wellness Center for assistance with academic or personal counseling and other needs. For more information, please visit the page for the Student Wellness Center. Students can contact their CCP advisor who can best connect the student to the resources needed.
What if my student participates in sports, clubs, or other extra-curricular activities?
Dual Enrollment students must balance high school classes, extracurricular activities, and other commitments with their college classes. For example, if students participate in sports or have a part-time job, students may need to work these activities around their class schedules. It is important to consider all of this when deciding how many classes to take.
What calendar or schedule should be followed to meet attendance expectations?
Students in Dual Enrollment follow the Rowan-Cabarrus Academic Calendar, which will differ from your high school’s calendar. You are still required to attend college classes even if your high school may be closed or on a break.
Does Rowan-Cabarrus provide transportation or meals for CCP students?
Transportation to and from campus is your responsibility; meal planning also needs to be considered for days when your classes meet on campus.
What level of independence and responsibility is expected from CCP students?
Dual Enrollment students are like any other college student. When given the opportunity, students will learn to navigate college, be self-sufficient and advocate for themselves. While families may oversee some aspects of dual enrollment, ultimately the student is responsible for their success.
Can students take courses outside of their CCP pathway?
Students cannot take classes outside of their pathway until they have completed the entire pathway. Once a student completes the required courses in a College Transfer or Career and Technical Education pathway, they can choose courses from the degree program that aligns with that pathway.
Are CCP students allowed to change their pathway?
Students can change pathways with the approval of the high school counselor and the approval of Rowan-Cabarrus.
What requirements are needed on a homeschool transcript?
- All courses need to be on one high school transcript:
- Completed courses are broken down by the academic year (Ex. 2019 – 2023 / 12th Grade).
- Courses in progress (IP) are broken down by academic year (Ex. Precalculus – Grade: – ).
- Date of high school entry (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Projected high school graduation date (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Cumulative, unweighted GPA
- Name, date of birth, address, the name of the school and the name of the homeschool administrator.
- The homeschool administrator’s signature and date on the designated school official area on all documents.
Can a student take a class that is not part of the CCP pathway if they are willing to pay for it?
Students cannot take classes outside of their pathway. If a student completes all pathway coursework, they may move on to the parent program.
Can a student take a foreign language class?
Students who are admitted into a College Transfer pathway can take up to 8 credit hours of Spanish or French. These courses are not a part of the Universal General Education Transfer Component. Students who complete these courses with a grade of “C” or better will receive transfer credit. The receiving university will determine whether the courses will count as general education, pre-major, or elective credit.
Who pays the cost of the student’s textbooks?
Textbooks and other fees are a student’s responsibility. To find the balance, students must access WebAdvisor and look in the Student Finance area.
Please check with your PSU to see if they provide any assistance in book costs.
How can my student obtain their Rowan-Cabarrus student ID badge?
Students can visit the Navigation Station at North Campus (Salisbury) or South Campus (Concord) to obtain their student ID badge.
How do CCP students know whether they have been registered for their courses?
Students are encouraged to view their schedules in WebAdvisor. Students also receive emails bi-weekly from their CCP advisor containing their schedule. Students need to check the personal email address that they listed on the CCP application and their Rowan-Cabarrus email address.
My student has submitted their application for the Career and College Promise program. What are the next steps?
Once all applications and supporting documents have been properly submitted, please allow 7-10 business days for processing. Students will receive acceptance through the mail and emails with instructions regarding setting up their Rowan-Cabarrus accounts.
Is financial aid available for students who are dually enrolled?
Financial aid is only available to high school graduates.
How does my student pay their fees?
Your fees can be paid online in their WebAdvisor account or on North Campus (Salisbury) or South Campus (Concord) at the Navigation Station.
To view and pay your fees online, log into WebAdvisor and go to the Student Finance tab.
How does my student know which textbooks are required?
Students can view the required textbooks in our Online Bookstore. Students may have inclusive access e-textbooks that are billed directly to the student’s WebAdvisor account and can be paid there.
My student has registered for courses, but we don’t see them in Blackboard?
Classes will appear in Blackboard on the first day that the course begins. It is typically there by 10 a.m. Until then, your student can view their schedule in WebAdvisor.
How do I keep up with my student’s progress in the class?
Students have access to their grades throughout the semester in Blackboard. Please log in with your student to see their current progress in the class.
How can parents/guardians support students if the student expressed confusion or concern about the course in any way?
Parents/guardians should encourage their students to advocate for themselves and communicate with their instructor immediately- by College email- providing as much detail as possible about their concerns. Parents may provide as much support and guidance as necessary, but remind students to ask questions and re-read directions, which may help. Encourage students to read all lessons thoroughly and have a plan to study and complete assignments with a calendar or pacing guide, especially if the course is online. Regular contact with the instructor is encouraged. Remind students to check their College email and class announcements every day. Encourage them to connect with their CCP Advisor should they have any concern.
How does a student know their final grade in a Rowan-Cabarrus course?
Rowan-Cabarrus final letter grades may be found 24-48 hours after the course has ended in WebAdvisor. It will be listed in the student’s account in the Grades section of the page.
How do grades work?
Rowan-Cabarrus Community College Grade to High School Grade Conversion
Rowan-Cabarrus Grade Scale | High School Report Card Grade |
A= 92-100 | A= 95 |
B= 84-91 | B= 85 |
C= 76-83 | C= 75 |
D= 68-75 | D= 65 |
F= 0-67 | F= 55 |
***UGETC Courses-you must make a C or higher in order for the credits to transfer to a University**
**College Transfer Courses are AP Weighted**
How can a student request a Rowan-Cabarrus Community College transcript?
Students can find their unofficial transcript in WebAdvisor. If students need an official transcript, they can submit a request on the Rowan-Cabarrus Community College website. There is a fee for requesting an official transcript. Please contact the Student Records department for further information regarding transcripts at